Relief as Catholic priests who travel miles in DR Congo receive new motorcycles to achieve policy of ‘pastoral proximity’

Relief as Catholic priests who travel miles in DR Congo receive new motorcycles to achieve policy of ‘pastoral proximity’

In the Catholic Diocese of Boma In the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC), priests walk up to 40 kilometers to reach the mission posts of the Congolese episcopal see, which are located in very remote places.

According to the Catholic papal foundation and charity, Aid to the Church in Need (ACN) Internationally, 35 of the 47 Catholic parishes of the Diocese of Boma are in remote rural areas.

“The priests serve the faithful with joy and great zeal, but the distances are great, the roads are bad and some priests even have to walk up to 40 kilometers to reach the faithful,” ACN said in a Thursday report, Report of July 18.

At the request of the local Ordinary of Boma, Bishop José-Claude Mbimbi Mbambathe charity that works for the people of God in difficult circumstances has purchased motorcycles for the priests serving in the diocese to lighten “the burden of their ministry”.

“The Bishop of Boma appealed to us to help buy 10 motorcycles for his priests working in the most remote parishes, to help ease the burden of their ministry,” ACN said.