Animal missing for over 120 years found in forest

Animal missing for over 120 years found in forest

Animal missing for over 120 years found in forestAnimal missing for over 120 years found in forest

Scientists from all over the world share information about new animal discoveries. Expeditions are conducted at a certain pace to monitor species that have already been catalogued and to search for new discoveries. However, due to deforestation and climate change, some previously identified creatures may simply disappear.

The species first described in 1897 has been rediscovered.

  • Hi Spirostriptus sculpture It is an invertebrate animal.
  • Because of the large number of legs it is also called a centipede.
  • The species was first described in 1897.
  • It was last seen 126 years ago.
  • But after this long period, researchers found the animal again in the Makira forest in Madagascar.
  • The information comes from IFLScience.

Spirostreptos carving (Image: Re:Wild)

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Other discoveries on the site

The discovery (or rediscovery) was made during an expedition by Re:wild, a conservation group that searches for missing animals. The team spent weeks exploring the Makira Forest, one of Madagascar’s largest protected areas.

According to the researchers, the site has a high degree of diversity and has been little explored. Therefore, conducting expeditions there increases the chance of finding species that are no longer identified elsewhere on the planet.

The expedition to find the missing animals began in September 2023 (Image: Re:wild)

The aim of the work was to try to find 30 missing animals. One of the most important discoveries was that of a millipede: a female measuring 27.5 cm long. The expedition also found two species of beetles and ants that had not been documented since 1958.

In the future, further visits to the site will be made to try to identify species that have been missing for some time.