Speeding truck mows down 3 people in Sundargarh District

Speeding truck mows down 3 people in Sundargarh District


Zondargarh: A speeding truck killed three youths near Benjadhi Bridge on National Highway 520, which passes through Sundargarh district, on Sunday night.

The deceased were identified as Debendra Dehuri, Anadi Nayak and Anil Dehuri of Toda Basti, Kalta outpost of Koida police station.

The unfortunate youngsters were on their way home when they were hit by a Hyva at around 7:00 p.m. They all died on the spot. The driver of the truck that caused the accident fled the scene.

After the incident, local residents blocked the highway at the accident site to protest the increasing incidence of accidents in the region. Police have seized the truck and launched an investigation.