Objections approach 200 as Albrighton Village Action Group files 3,700-person petition for ‘Boningale Homes’

Objections approach 200 as Albrighton Village Action Group files 3,700-person petition for ‘Boningale Homes’

A petition with more than 3,700 signatures has been handed to Shropshire Council as Albrighton Village Action Group (AVAG) steps up its campaign to protect more than 50 acres of beautiful green belt.

Mark Pritchard, MP for The Wrekin, joined concerned residents in The Shirehall to bolster their calls to reject Boningale Homes’ plans to build 800 homes and upgrade vital road infrastructure.

AVAG members have said that almost 83% of residents in the eligible Shropshire village have backed the petition, underlining the overwhelming anger at the speculative overdevelopment.

The campaign group, made up of local volunteers, is now calling on local people to turn their signatures into official objections via Shropshire Council’s planning website ( 194 have already been submitted, ahead of the current deadline of 8 August.

To make it as easy as possible, AVAG has produced two video tutorials (available at on how to lodge an objection, and has compiled almost 40 key reasons why the overdevelopment should not happen and how it will change the village forever.

There will also be eight drop-in sessions at the Red House, Melville Club and Scout Den, where volunteers will be present in person to assist villagers with lodging their objections.

“The campaign to protect our green belt is now well underway and we urge people who oppose Boningale Homes’ plans to object strongly – this is one of the best ways for us to win,” explained Charlie Blakemore, co-chair of the Albrighton Village Action Group.

“You can see the overwhelming feeling of local residents, with over 3,700 people signing the petition asking the council to reject this unnecessary overdevelopment. There have also been 194 objections to the planning application and this number is growing daily. We are delighted to present this petition to Shropshire Council on behalf of the village today.”

He continued: “Our group supports appropriate development and we have 771 new homes being built as part of the local plan we support. That is more than our fair share and will help support Labour’s housing movement.

“Our village infrastructure, roads and amenities cannot cope with another 800 homes. The location and scale of this speculative proposal is simply not right.

“AVAG was also pleased that all candidates for the general election – from across the political spectrum – recognised this and said they would object to the plans.”

Albrighton Village Action Group believes the Boningale Homes plan is simply an attempt to make a quick profit on large tracts of greenbelt land, much of which is currently used for productive agriculture.

It will transform the village, known as the birthplace of the English rose, into a town and put further pressure on the limited infrastructure, including the doctor’s surgery, roads and train station.

It is incorrect to speak of economic benefit, as the distance between the development and the high street could have a detrimental effect on independent retailers. Furthermore, a new school is not needed and will only make other schools in the area unprofitable.

Mark Pritchard, MP for The Wrekin, added his support: “I would like to reiterate my support for the green belt and for protecting Albrighton from the overdevelopment proposed by Boningale Homes.

“My objection to this speculative seizure of the green belt, with little regard for the potential impact on the village, has already been lodged and I will work with AVAG to fight these proposals.”

Charlie concluded: “The deadline for objections is approaching. We need to translate this strong feeling into formal objections and by donating to our fundraising campaign. This will cover the costs of the legal and planning specialists we are using to fight these proposals and the grabbing of the Green Belt.

“It is important that our group and local residents fight greedy developers to ensure that future generations have rural villages and green spaces to live in and enjoy. There are so many wastelands that are in disrepair and in desperate need of development and that should be the focus, not on permanently destroying the beautiful countryside.

“We have an opportunity to be on the right side of history and protect our village for generations to come.”

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