Bucks County Slaughterhouse in Legal Trouble Over Code Violations – NBC10 Philadelphia

Bucks County Slaughterhouse in Legal Trouble Over Code Violations – NBC10 Philadelphia

A fight over odors is headed to court in Bucks County, where residents say a slaughterhouse has left animal waste to rot in fields and there are allegations that the water supply has been tainted.

Kingdom Provisions is located on a busy two-lane road in Bucks County. From the front, there’s not much to see, but Plumstead Township advocates say what you can’t see from the back is causing a lot of problems for residents.

“They are a nuisance to the neighbors because the odor and the body parts of the animals are coming onto the neighbor’s property,” Plumstead Township Attorney Jonathan Reiss told NBC10.

Photos attached to a lawsuit filed by Plumstead Township show piles of animal parts on the property of Kingdom Provisions.

According to the complaint, inspectors repeatedly issued the business owner citations and told him he was not allowed to compost animal body parts.

The slaughterhouse owner was advised to move the waste off-site for processing, but the lawsuit alleges the owner told authorities it was too expensive.

Although the slaughterhouse declined to speak with NBC10, former owner Carry Gouldy, who now lives across the street, is standing up for the business, claiming the new owner was unclear about the rules and has made improvements.

Skyforce10 was above the site on Friday, capturing footage of trailers full of animal waste. It is unclear whether it is being transported to a rendering facility.

Lawyers for the municipality say the company has already been fined before.

“Last summer they polluted the nearby river and killed a number of fish,” Reiss said.

Plumstead Township attorneys said the lawsuit aims to force the slaughterhouse owner to obtain proper permits and process the waste according to current guidelines.