Early voting begins in Huron County for Michigan primary

Early voting begins in Huron County for Michigan primary

With the August primaries approaching, early voting begins on Saturday, July 27, through August 4, ahead of Election Day on August 6.

This is the second election to feature early voting after the passage of Michigan Proposal 22-2, which gives every state and federal election nine days of early voting. After early voting, registered voters return to their regular polling places to vote. Locations for those polling places can be found at

The change has increased the cost of running elections for each precinct, with Caseville City Clerk Jamie Learman previously estimating an additional cost of about $3,000 to $4,000 per year. He added that there is a subsidy that helps cover some of the costs.

“This time we’re more familiar with the process,” Learman said. “Last time we were just figuring out how the process worked, so this time it should go more smoothly.”

In the primaries, both Republicans and Democrats are competing for the U.S. Senate seat. Locally, there are four contested elections for county commissioners in districts 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6.

“We’re hoping the word gets out so more people know this is available,” said Bad Axe Town Clerk Tara Zagorski. “We’re very familiar with the process now and all the townships on our site are working well together,”

Zagorski is the site coordinator for site #5, where early voting takes place, and Learman is the site coordinator for site #1.

Harbor Beach County Clerk Jennifer Lackowski hopes more people will be aware of the idea of ​​early voting this time around.

“I expect and hope that there will be a larger turnout,” Lackowski said. “I hope that people can take advantage of the early voting. We need to be here and we are available.”

Seven early voting locations across the county will open on July 27, with times varying slightly by location. The locations and townships for each location are: