View the statewide map of election results

View the statewide map of election results

Arizona Republic and have created a map showing where votes for Republican candidates for U.S. Senate are coming from in each district of the state.

When you click on a county, a map of that county appears with dots and district boundaries. Each dot represents five voters for a given candidate, and they are randomly distributed throughout the district (in other words, the dot does not represent where the voters actually live).

Every time the Arizona Secretary of State’s office releases new voting results, the map will be updated to reflect that, so you can see which parts of cities, towns and counties are supporting candidates Kari Lake, Mark Lamb or Elizabeth Reye. The results will appear on the map when they are released Tuesday night at approximately 8 p.m.

How to use the map and how we did it

The 2024 Republican primary results are shown at the county and state precinct levels. Clicking on a county will take you to the precinct results for that county, with each point representing five voters.

To compare the map to previous results, the second tab above the map shows the top two vote-getters in the crowded 2022 U.S. Senate Republican primary in each county. The third tab shows Maricopa County’s results from the 2022 primary with precinct-level details.

The Republic uses the dot-density map instead of giving constituencies a solid color to represent the candidate who is leading. The dot map gives a more accurate picture of variations in voting results and outcomes within a given area.

Data reporters at The Republic developed the tool by obtaining digital maps of voting districts from each county and writing a computer program that automatically populates the maps with results published by the Arizona Secretary of State’s office.